As a Manual Physiotherapist , I was constantly thinking about how to use KINESIOLOGY in the most productive way for the therapy and rehabilitation. Reason behind it, was to have longevity in my career which I love & that my body can withstand the heavy workload due to physically demanding job.
This had driven me to constantly updating my techniques and in search for advanced therapy modules which is used for pain management as well as to relieve muscle tension in the most effective way.
Years into my practice I have learnt and practiced various tool applications techniques , Yes I got the results but wasn’t very happy or satisfied with the final outcome as a whole.
And then I got to know about this divine tool “THE KINESIO DRY CUPPING THERAPY”.
I have to admit that I was little skeptical about this therapy on the clinical aspect, that how can a suction help in relieving myo-fascia/muscle tightness or a scar.
After multiple session of kinesio dry cupping therapy has changed my thought process. Now I know why it is so popular in Western Countries.
Benefits of Kinesio Dry Cupping Therapy is not only to releases a tight tissue and fascia but more over its useful along with a manual therapy session where after dry cupping therapy session joint mobilization is so much easier.
Here is a basic outline of the therapy & its application in modern treatments.
A Wonderful ancient tool has found its place in the modern world of healing ( I am not going through all its history the internet is your library if you want to explore ). The incredible results that this simple treatment produces have truly impressed those who experience its subtle power by placing a glass or silicone cup onto the skin , the therapist creates a vacuum in the cup which draws the skin , muscle & fascia up into the cup .This vacuum can be created either with your hand(silicones) or with a suction pump(glass)
In western modern medicine, Dry Cupping Therapy is used as a direct clinical application .the therapist notes an area of restriction and applies the suction directly onto it to affect change . This technique is different from the traditional cupping which rely on the change in line of meridians or the QI throughout the body. The suction and negative pressure provided by cupping can loosen the muscles , encourage blood flow and sedate the nervous system.
Cupping is used to relieve back pain, neck pains, shoulder pain, tight trapezius,plantar fascitis, stiff muscles, anxiety, fatigue,migranes,rheumatism and even cellulite
Used in conjunction with other tools ,cupping is a useful tool to add into treatment mix as it provides a different sensation and effectiveness thereby improving overall results.
Contrary to the commonly held impression, suction of the cups does not hurt. In fact, most people find the sensation very pleasant a sort of release. These cups can remain in position for several minutes or the therapist can GLIDE them over the skin . This negative pressure is like a pulling verses pushing effect.
- RELAXATION the suction cups provide a negative pressure on the skin , muscles and fascia, this a very relaxing and soothing experience
- Promotes blood circulation and speeds up the muscle recovery . the pressure allows new blood to flow into the area giving several benefits by beginning the healing process and regeneration process, enhancing circulation and removing the dead cells and toxins . it softens the skin and regain its elasticity and reduces inflammation hence its very useful in relieving a scar tissue.
- Cupping increases the blood flow hence it makes it easier for the therapist to reduce trigger points in your muscles.
- Once the cup is removed , the skin relays the information to the therapist about the underlying tissue. A darker patch on the skin would indicate an area of restriction or adhesion in the muscles. It can then help the therapist to pin point exactly where to release.
- As cupping is less strenuous form of therapy, it helps the therapist to prolong their ability to treat patients at a high level.
- Cupping is used along with the other modern techniques like THE ACCEL KIASTM TOOL, Kinesio Dry needling therapy ,Kinesio Taping etc in a combination of different techniques to enhance the results depending upon the conditions.
This is an often asked question before the therapy “how dark will be the mark or how long will it last?”
A good therapist will explain the potential effects of cupping on the skin prior to the treatment to get your consent.
It is likely that there may be a resulting reddening of the skin directly under the cup the colour of which depends on the health of the underlying tissue. Healthy tissues do not leave a dark mark.
The technique I use is to slowly move the cup over the soft tissue rather than leave it at one place for a longer duration.
The dry cupping method is used in Elite Physio Care Center and Physio Mantra centers as a part of comprehensive treatment plan and its less likely to leave dark marks like shown in the above pic.
A healthy CUP KISS fades away in a weeks time without leaving a bruise mark.
I have a great feedback and results from my patients after using DRY Cupping Therapy and I am fully converted to its application!
I am into active research and therapy sessions currently on “ Application and effects of Kinesio Dry Cupping Therapy on varicose veins “
Wait for the article on it coming up soon.
Very useful article