The Mercury and Humidity is continuing to rise and abstaining from food and water during the hot summer month of Ramadan might be challenging. However, for most Muslims, the holy month presents an opportunity to increase the spiritual connection and physical well-being. 
The holy month of Ramazan is a perfect time to get strong – physically and mentally. By taking the focus away from food, you have room to focus on more enriching and important things in life. However, with the long hours of fasting, many question “how to stay fit during Ramadan“?
While staying fit and healthy is no rocket-science, it gets easy if a set pattern is followed i am sharing a few tips on staying healthy during Ramadan.

*During SUHUR time*

The pre-dawn meal is mandatory – both religiously and for your diet because it provides you with the fuel you need to stay energised and functional during the day. Eat a well-balanced meal which contains proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Have a meal with protein (eg. eggs, cheese, nuts or peanut butter) and complex carbohydrates (wheat, oats, lentils, barley or brown rice) so that blood sugar levels stay stable for many hours over the day.

*Drink plenty of water in suhur*

Drink atleast 500ml of water to stay up and be active.


Breathing techniques and simple stretching exercises is the ideal way to start your day during Ramadan.

*Post iftar*

At Iftar, break the fast with 3-4 dates, some juice or milk. After prayers, have a proper meal again with proteins and complex carbohydrates, as well as fruits and vegetables. Spread this meal over 1-2 hours and “do not over-eat.”

*Drink around 1.5 litres of water between Iftar and going to bed*

Keep exercise low impact and focused on strength training, to avoid becoming too thirsty.
15 to 20-minute walk is the best type of exercise during this month.

Always have a gap of minimum two to three hours after iftar because after we eat, blood circulation is diverted more towards the digestive organs so that maximum absorption of nutrients can take muscles have less amount of blood supply
Keep cool and out of the sun during the day. Exercise should be done in the evening, but not too close to bedtime or insomnia might become an issue.


How important is getting the right amount of sleep during Ramadan for your health?
As said “ even to rest/sleep during Ramadan is equal to doing ibaadat” hence
Getting adequate sleep is very important in terms of mental and physical well-being. During daytime fasting, one is more prone to headaches, irritability and dizziness. Lack of sleep compounds the issue. Try to go to bed 2 hours earlier than usual, so that you are well rested when you awake for Suhoor, before sunrise. If you are able, try to take an afternoon nap, when sugar and fluid levels are low.
Rest during the hot summer afternoon!!!
Post iftar exercise -recovery is important, hence go to bed early. Before you sleep, you can have a small snack – yogurt with nuts or some fresh fruits to feel 
Happy Ramadan !!DMY

Shared by : Dr. Maria M Bhabhrawala (PT)

Kinesio Dry Cupping Therapist and Instructor

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