Don’t Let Your Shin Bend Your Chin

The term “*Shin Splints*” refers to the pain along the inner edge of the shinbone (tibia).

This can happen by exercises or overuse of the lower leg muscles. The condition is also called medial tibial stress syndrome.
They are often associated with running. Any vigorous sports activity can bring on shin splints, especially if you are just starting a fitness program. Even if you are an experienced runner or a marathoner you may feel shin splint pain when you change your workout routine such as going faster, increasing your mileage, or switching to a new type of shoe.

*What causes shin splints?*
The pain associated with shin splints results from excessive amounts of force on the shin bone and the tissues attaching the shin bone to the muscles surrounding it. The excessive force causes the muscles to swell and increases the pressure against the bone, leading to pain and inflammation.

*Who is at risk for shin splints?*
Various activities and physical strains can put you at risk of getting shin splints. 
*Risk factors include:*

—>an anatomical abnormality (such as a flat foot)

—>Muscle weakness in thighs or glutes

—>lack of flexibility

—>improper training techniques

—> running downhill

—>running on an uneven terrain

—>using inappropriate or worn-out shoes for running or working out

—> participating in sports that have fast stops and starts (like soccer or downhill skiing)
Shin splints are also more likely to occur when your leg muscles and tendons are tired. 

—>Women, people with flat feet or rigid arches, athletes, military recruits, and dancers all have an increased likelihood of developing shin splints.

*Symptoms of shin splints*
People with shin splints will experience some of the following symptoms:
—> a dull ache in the front part of the lower leg

—> pain that develops during exercise

—> muscle pain on either side of the shin bone

—> pain, tenderness or soreness along the inner part of the lower leg

*How Can a Kinesio Prehab Practitioner Physiotherapist Help?*
The good news is that this pain can be treated.

A Kinesio Prehab practitioners will help you heal your pain faster and further teach you on how to avoid the shin splints from coming back.

At Kinesio Prehab Clinic (Located in Bengaluru & Chennai) provide various specialized techniques like




—>Specialized curated Rehab Exercise programs 

An intensive exercise program requires strengthening of all surrounding muscle groups. Workouts should be varied to avoid overuse and trauma to any particular muscle group. You should refrain from any intense exercise program if severe muscle pain or other physical symptoms develop.

Consult A Kinesio Prehab Practitioner, they are specialized physiotherapists updated with Latest Therapy Interventions, to get relieve from Shin Pain and learn the exercises.

Book Your Physiotherapy Appointment With Kinesio Prehab Clinic:

Call us at : +91-9886330012


2 thoughts on “Don’t Let Your Shin Bend Your Chin

  • The way you have provided detailed tips, opinions, and discussions about the
    Shin Splint, it is imperative. Reading this post will make everyone feel better about the Shin pain.

  • I really appreciate your work and helpful article on Shin Splints, awareness & Prevention that is very helpful to everyone!
    Shin Splints are the absolute worst. I struggled with them in college due to overtraining during winter dryland training for rowing. Mine got so bad I ended up with a stress fracture. Your prevention tips are awesome. I have found that cross-training and proper shoes are so important!

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