In current health scenario preventative practice is more often effective than treatment when you are sick.

Kinesio Dry Cupping Therapy (KDCT) is not only used as Preventative Therapy but it is also one of the *non-invasive* form of therapy used by KDCT Certified Physiotherapists for multiple ailments.

Before getting KDCT done, it is important to understand how your therapist performs this treatment and how it will affect your body.

In this article, we will look at the benefits of Cupping based on real scientific evidence and explain the benefits of Kinesio Dry Cupping Therapy. When you learn about the benefits of Dry cupping for improving your health, you will change your mind about it being an outdated medical practice, and you may even decide to try it for yourself.

How Does Kinesio Dry Cupping Therapy (KDCT) Works To Improve Your Health ?

Kinesio Dry Cupping Therapy is a modernized & updated form of dry cupping therapy technique used in reducing pain and treating various disorders.

Different techniques have been developed over time, however, applying a cup to create suction over a painful area, is common to all.

Mechanically, KDCT increases blood circulation, whereas Physiologically it activates the immune system and stimulates the mechano-sensitive fibers, thus leading to a reduction in pain. The International Cupping Therapy Association says that cupping can improve your health if you suffer from arthritis,, sciatica, intestinal problems, muscle pain, and even cellulite and stretch marks.


By using Negative pressure to raise the skin into cups, causes stretching of the skin and underlying tissue and dilation of the capillaries. This stimulates an increase in tissue blood flow, eventually leading to capillary rupture and ecchymosis.

This increases receptors on the surface of the skin and allows you to respond better to the natural enzyme HO-1. HO-1 has been shown to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, and neuromodulatory effects in human systems. 

Though you may experience slight bruising in these areas, it is nothing to worry about and is completely normal.

HO-1 can affect a wide variety of your body’s functions. It acts as an antioxidant, removes iron from old cells, allows new ones to regenerate, and can act as an anti-inflammatory agent. Because of this, enzyme increase from KDCT can prevent a wide variety of issues including various digestive problems, fever, and cough. Other histamines are also released that increase reception to proteins and white blood cells. With more HO-1, you can fortify your body and help prevent illness.


Poor circulation can lead to build-up of toxins inside of the body’s tissues. This build-up can be the root cause of many different health conditions.

The modern techniques of KDCT helps to improve stagnation, while the blood rushing to the area that’s being treated carries away toxins. Along with those toxins, it helps to clear dead cells and other debris. All of these elements are then expelled naturally. That’s why drinking lots of water after a KDCT session is a good idea for flushing away those impurities and promoting better health.

Kinesio Dry Cupping therapy is a great method to boost the immune system. The lifting action of cups encourages lymphatic drainage within our lymph system. Our lymphatic systems main function is to transport lymph and white blood cells (protect the body against infections) throughout the body. The process of cupping supports the immune systems functions by aiding the white blood cells to destroy and absorb pathogenic substances and protect our body.


Besides the mechanical effect of cupping increasing the local blood flow and stretching underlying tissue, activation of the HO-1 system could account for many of Kinesio Dry Cupping Therapy’s claimed local and systemic health benefits.

Last But Not The Least

To Improve Your Health & Immunity ask for KDCT Therapy.

NOTE: KDCT is different from general cupping technique so always get yourself treated with trained KDCT Therapist / Practitioners only. They will use extensive knowledge of anatomy and physiology to improve your health.

Author: Dr. Maria M Bhabhrawala (PT)

For any further information or to book appointment mail us at

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